Award: Clásico Onesto Puente (L)
Distance: 1200 mts.
Condition: Todo Caballo De 4 Años Y Más Edad. Peso Por Edad.
Award: 1ro: 4.870.000 2do: 1.948.000 3ro: 974.000 4to: 681.800 5to: 487.000 6to: 292.200
Time Race: 1m 11s 92c Temp: 15 °C
Imperfecta: 7.040 Cuatrifecta: 202.185
Doble: 34.975 Triplo: 178.975
Cuaterna 4a: 584.550
Quintuplo 5a: 2.196.940 Quintuplo 4a: 14.990
Temp. is Room temperature.
If less than 0 Will tell -5 °C, between 0 and 10 °C Will tell 5 °C, between 10 and 20 °C Will tell 15 °C, between 20 and 30 °C Will tell 25 °C, Over 30 °C Will tell 35 °C