Award: Clásico Eduardo Casey (G2)
Distance: 2200 mts.
Condition: Potrillos De 3 Años.
Award: 1ro: 4.025.000 2do: 1.408.750 3ro: 1.006.250 4to: 684.250 5to: 483.000 6to: 362.250 7mo: 281.750 8vo: 201.250
Time Race: 2m 16s 93c Temp: 25 °C
Imperfecta: 2860 Cuatrifecta: 76465
Doble: 2730 Doble Place: 1180
Triplo: 15625 Pick 4: 74050
Temp. is Room temperature.
If less than 0 Will tell -5 °C, between 0 and 10 °C Will tell 5 °C, between 10 and 20 °C Will tell 15 °C, between 20 and 30 °C Will tell 25 °C, Over 30 °C Will tell 35 °C