Starting from 01/05/2024, our website will operate with subscriptions.

Dear Friends:

Subscribers will have full access to the website, including all current and future features that we are developing to enhance the experience.

Those who do not subscribe will have limited access, restricted in certain sections of the menu. Please review the details below:

Contact us via WhatsApp at +54 9 11 2389 3021 for any inquiries.

The subscription fee is $8000 ARS for residents in Argentina and $20 USD for residents in other countries.

Please register and subscribe before 01/05/2024 to facilitate our administrative processes.

To register, follow this REGISTER link and provide your email and the required information.

Then, follow this SUBSCRIBE link to subscribe if you reside in Argentina, or this one if you reside in another country.

If you are a donor or subscriber, contact us via WhatsApp at +54 9 11 2389 3021 to learn about our special promotions for you. Remember, we only respond to text messages and audio, we do not answer calls.

Thank you for being part of our community!